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President's Message (August 2023)

fall PD Fair

Hello DARTS members! As we begin the new school year, I hope each of you are energized to support individuals with exceptionalities with the arts. This blog contains information about the DARTS mini grant, nominating DARTS members for an award, DARTS nominations for the Board of Directors, submitting work for publication in JASE, and the upcoming DARTS session at the CEC Fall PD Fair. Please consider being an active member of DARTS through one of these great opportunities.

A big welcome to our NEWEST members of DARTS:

Caitlin Davidson, Christie Scanlin Dobson, Kelly Gagliardo, Theresa Meyer, Erin Paxson, and Julie Rodriguez


DARTS Mini Grant $500

Apply for the DARTS mini grant. It is awarded to a DARTS member who is promoting learning through the arts for students with exceptionalities. The proposal process is very simple. 

Proposals are due October 15, 2023, to Dr. Jennifer Smith ([email protected]).

Check out the call for proposals at the following link and attached PDF.



DARTS honors two members with the DARTS Outstanding Educator Award and the DARTS Lifetime Achievement Award. Nominations for awards are being accepted from September 1 to October 1, 2023. Nomination packages should be emailed to Susan Harvey ([email protected]). Consider nominating one of our amazing DARTS members for an award! More information in the attached document and on the DARTS website:


Elections- Call for Nominations

The DARTS Board of Directors is composed of the elected officers of the division and includes the president, president elect, past president, secretary, treasurer, and two representatives from the division to the CEC representative assembly. In October we will have an election for President-Elect and Treasurer. If you are interested in running for office, see the attached document about the process and roles. Candidate materials are due to Alice Hammel ([email protected]) by August 15, 2023. 


JASE The Journal of the Arts and Special Education

JASE is a peer reviewed journal featuring original research, research-based practitioner, and

community partnership articles that highlight the various ways the arts intersect with special education to include and support people with disabilities in meaningful ways.


Call for JASE Manuscripts

JASE is accepting manuscripts for future issues including practitioner articles, community partnership articles, and original research. This call for submissions is open until

September 1, 2023. Manuscripts submitted by the deadline will be considered for upcoming issues of JASE in 2023 and 2024. 


Call for JASE Cover Artwork 

The covers of The Journal of the Arts and Special Education (JASE) feature original artwork by individuals with disabilities and photographs of individuals with disabilities engaged in artmaking or performances. Individuals with disabilities, educators, and caregivers are encouraged to submit cover art entries. 

Read the full call for manuscripts and cover artwork at the following link or the attached PDF.


Call for JASE Peer Reviewers

We are seeking DARTS members willing to serve as a peer reviewer for manuscript submissions for the Journal of the Arts and Special Education (JASE). Please click on the link below and complete the short survey to volunteer as a peer reviewer for JASE.


CEC Fall PD Fair

Join us at the CEC Fall PD Fair!

We’re excited to announce that DARTS will be part of the inaugural CEC Fall PD Fair! This brand-new learning opportunity will feature live, online 2-hour seminars from DARTS, other CEC Divisions, CEC, and the PROGRESS Center on September 28. Recordings will be available. On Sept. 28, we’ll be presenting a live, 2-hour seminar on Stepping into Learning with the Arts: Focus on Dramatic Inquiry and Adaptive Art, from 5:00-7:00 PM (EST). You can register for our seminar and others to earn up to 6 CEUs. DARTS will be there—what else do you need to know to learn more and step right up to the PD Fair?

For more information on the schedule, including seminars, and to register yourself or a group, visit the CEC PD Fair website. See you at the fair!


CEC 2024 Convention

The next CEC convention will be held in in San Antonio, Texas (March 13-16, 2024). 

Early bird registration ends 10/26/23:

A second Call will open in October for Teacher Slam presentation submissions and a second round of poster session submissions.


Thank you for all you do! Are you interested in getting more involved with DARTS, please email me to talk about ways you can get involved ([email protected]) .

DARTS- Division of Visual and Performing Arts Education

Check out our website!

Have a great school year,

Katie Farrand

DARTS, President

Associate Professor, Arizona State University

[email protected]

Posted:  11 August, 2023
Author: Katie Farrand

President of DARTS Division

[email protected]   

Read more from Katie Farrand

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