February 1, 2019, 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time, JW Marriott Hotel, Indianapolis
The DARTS general business meeting was called to order by President Juli Dorff at 3::34 p.m. EST. Present were: Juli Dorff, Bev Johns, Michael Dunn, Kelly Gross, Lauren Stichter, Alice Hammel, Christie Dobson, Sue Loesl, Katie Murphy, Donna Cohen, Chelle Kemper, Joe Link, and Susan Harvey.
The minutes of last year’s general business meeting on February 8, 2018, were disseminated. Alice Hammel moved and Lauren Stichter seconded to approve the minutes. Minutes were approved as printed.
Michael Dunn gave the treasurer’s report. We do receive dues rebates from CEC. Our source of income is receipt of dues.
Alida Anderson and Jane Burnette are currently working on the premier edition of our online journal. We are now in the process of submission reviews and rewriting articles.
DARTS will be taking over the November/December issue of Teaching Exceptional Children so manuscripts are being solicited. Juli encouraged people to not be intimidated by the guidelines that TEC has set. The deadline for manuscripts is July 15. A question was asked about permissions needed for student art work and permissions must be provided.
Copies of the proposed changes to the DARTS bylaws were disseminated. These were sent to the membership 60 days prior to this meeting. The duties and powers of the President Elect and the Past President are clarified. The president elect will develop the division’s program for the CEC annual convention and plan other meetings according to the policies and directives of the Executive Committee. The past president chairs the nominations and elections committee and the past presidents are included on the Nominations and Elections Committee as voting members of that committee. Alice Hammel moved and Sue Loesl moved to approve the changes to the bylaws. Motion carried.
The newsletter and website duties were taken over by Sharon Manjack who has done an outstanding job. Sharon will continue to do the website and Lexi Sobeleski will return as the newsletter editor.
Lauren Stichter updated us on our Facebook page and group. DARTS is also on Instagram.
Juli Dorff provided a report from the CEC Leadership Development Committee. Members of that committee presented to the DARTS board on January 31. We were encouraged to have reviewers from DARTS for CEC proposals. The following members agreed to do so: Chelle Kemper, Kelly Gross, Katie Murphy, Sue Loesl, Michael Dunn, Christie Dobson.
We are also soliciting individuals for the Executive Committee for President-Elect for DARTS.
ARTS reports were given as follows:
The VSA report was given. The Intersections conference will be held in October 2019, in Irvine, California. This is an excellent and invigorating conference.
The Art Therapy Convention will be held October 30-November 3, 2019 and will celebrate their 50th anniversary there. It will be held in Kansas City.
The National Art Education Association and the special interest group of SNAE is holding its convention in Boston in March, 2019. Lauren Stichter will be President of SNAE. Juli reported that two $500 grants for practitioners in the field of art education.
The Second International Conference on Disability Studies, Arts and Education will be held October 3-5, 2019, in Philadelphia at the Moore College of Art and Design. Proposals are due by March 1.
The Penguin project in theatre is in place. Students with disabilities are paired with mentors to do the work in theatre. There is a drama therapy organization and they met in February.
The National Association for Music Education had its last conference in Dallas. There was a focus on culturally responsive pedagogy. Their next conference is in November in Orlando. Culturally Responsive Pedagogy will be infused into all sessions.
There was a written report from the Arts for All Abilities Consortium from Stephen Yaffe. The consortium has launched an Arts Values section on the website. In July, 2018, they will convene An Administrators Forum for the Arts.
Updates on Publications:
The Handbook of Arts Education and Special Education was edited by Jean Crockett and Sharon Malley. This is an excellent resource. The Publisher is Routledge.
Arts for Children Experiencing Psychological Trauma was edited by Adrienne Hunter, Donalyn Heise, and Bev Johns. The Publisher is Routledge. On the SNAE facebook page, there has been a lot of positive talk about it.
Other items:
Discussion occurred about the appearance of our booth in the exhibits here at the convention. Pictures could be considered as attention grabbers to get people to stop. We could also do demonstrations and have materials available. Another idea is to have a laptop available so people can type in their email and get the handouts. We should also notify members in advance about our booth and they can stop by the booth and people will be there to help them navigate the activities at the conference. It would also be good to be close to the vendors who are selling products pertaining to the arts.
Alice Hammel and Juli Dorff will be attending the Program Advisory Committee tomorrow morning.
There was a discussion of possible awards. Yesterday a committee was established to investigate awards given by DARTS. Alice Hammel encouraged others to send their ideas to her. The Yes I Can Awards were given this morning and for those who receive the awards in the area of the Arts it would be wonderful if we could do something for them.
Representative Assembly
Susan Harvey attended the Representative Assembly meeting this afternoon and will send a written report. The CEC/CASE legislative summit will be held this summer July 7-10, 2019. Two days prior to that July 5-7, there will be a leadership training.
In 2022 CEC will celebrate its 100th convention in Orlando in January.
CEC Convention 2020 will be held in Portland Oregon.
Discussion occurred about teacher shortages. In Washington, D.C. 42% of the children are in Charter Schools so CEC is involved in training in the charter schools.
Membership is down 19%.
50% of the revenue in CEC goes to rent. They had a sub leasee but that group has had financial problems so is no longer able to rent the space. CEC has a 20 year lease.
They have established a Leadership Development Committee. The chair will serve a three year term. In 2018 members voting for leadership was only 2%. They are trying to ensure diversity in leadership.
She reported on the working conditions survey that CEC did. Fourteen hundred individuals took the survey. Educators wanted smaller class size/caseloads and more administrative support. Susan offered support about how DARTS can support special educators.
No information was provided about the fiscal impact of this convention.
She will send material that will be provided to the members.
With no further information the meeting adjourned at 5:11 p.m. on a motion by Alice Hammel and Sue Harvey that was approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Beverley H. Johns