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February 6, 2020, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Pacific Time, Doubletree Hotel, Portland, Oregon 

The executive board meeting was called to order at  2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time by President Juli Dorff at 2:00 p.m. Present were: Juli Dorff, Alice Hammel, Sue Loesl,  Katie  Farrand,  Michael Dunn, Susan Harvey, Bev Johns, Lauren Stichter, Rhoda Bernard, Casandra Nguyen, Mary Lang, and Jasmine Begeske.  All present introduced themselves.

The minutes of December 3, 2019 were approved on a unanimous vote with Alice Hammel’s motion and the second by Susan Harvey.

Michael Dunn, our Treasurer, provided the Treasurer’s Report. There has been a calculation of the proportion of dues that goes to CEC and the re-calculation is to our advantage.  A trip to the bank has resulted in the changes concerning who are our latest officers on the necessary bank forms.  Named on the account now are Michael Dunn, Alice Hammel, and Katie Farrand.   The question was raised about liability insurance for board members and Michael Dunn will investigate this possibility.

Alice Hammel gave the Awards committee report and the first ever Lifetime Achievement award will be given tomorrow to Dr. Beverly Gerber during the general business meeting scheduled for Friday 3:30 p.m.-5 p.m. on February 7, 2020. The process for the 2021 recipient will now begin. 

Next year the CEC Convention will be at the same time as the NAEA convention which will be in Chicago, Illinois.

Susan Harvey reported that she will be representing us at the Representative Assembly meeting which will be held tomorrow.

Sharon Manjack is our Art Director and she has done design work on the journal and the website as well.

The social media report was given by Lauren Stichter.  She is hoping that someone in the future will be able to take over the Facebook and Instagram accounts. 

Juli Dorff reported on the beautiful Teaching Exceptional Children, devoted to the Arts.  It has been discovered that members at the basic membership level are not notified that the journal is available, so the new Executive Director has pledged to get that changed.  Juli Dorff commended Alex Graham, previous Executive Director, for making this edition happen and she thanked to the contributors.

We now have a new membership chair, Laura Meehan, who has created a great postcard that can easily be disseminated and is featured at our DARTS table.  It has been requested that the postcard be provided as a JPEG so it can be posted on Facebook.  We would like to have a Tshirt—Sue Loesl will explore this option and the utilization of student art for the shirt and voting for the winner could be determined via social media.

Rhoda Bernard reported on the ABLE Assembly on April 3-5, 2020. Deadline for presentations for VSA is February 15, 2020. 

The communications report was provided. The decision needs to be made about whether we utilize SAGE publications.  Alida Anderson and Jane Burnette are recommending that we publish through SAGE. 

Chad Rummel and Jenn Lessh then joined the meeting. Chad Rummel is our new Executive Director and Jenn Lessh is the current CEC President.  Jenn introduced Chad.  Chad previously worked at the American Psychological Association and then went to work at one of its divisions.  Here is what is being done: 

  1. Relaunching the CEC website integrating a stronger presence of the divisions.
  2. Forty five percent of our membership in CEC are not members of Division. We need to market our divisions more.

Questions concerning public policy, membership, professional development opportunities, the website (with DARTS being the most beautiful), websites.

            We then continued the conversation about SAGE.  SAGE open is a continuously published document.  There cannot be a special collection.  Articles are not being republished.  There are separate requirements for journal editors. 

Alice Hammel moved that we proceed with SAGE publications as the producer of our journal material.  Katie Farrand seconded.  Motion carried.

NAEA  will be taking place on March 23-March 28, 2020 in Minneapolis.  CEC for 2021 will be in Baltimore, Maryland.

It was suggested by Kathleen Bernard that we collaborate with other divisions to create a webinar(s).  Alice Hammel suggested that we reach out to our membership to see if individuals are interested in preparing a webinar. 

The Disability Studies in Arts in Education, is doing a journal as a result of their Fall conference.  There is a possibility that the 2021 conference will be in Brazil.

The ten year anniversary of the Moore Institute is April 18.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:17 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Beverley H. Johns


Posted:  6 February, 2020

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