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October 28, 2019, 12:45 p.m. Pacific Time, Very Special Arts Intersection Conference, Irvine, California 

The executive board meeting was called to order at the Very Special Arts Intersection Conference  by President Juli Dorff at 12:45 p.m.  Present were:  Juli Dorff, Bev Johns, Rhoda Bernard, Beverly Gerber (by phone) Sue Loesl, Alice Hammel, Desiree Cera, Mary Lang, Casandra Nguyen, Oliver Mason, Elisabeth Staal, Mario Rossero, Jenna Gabriel, Amanda Newman-Godfrey, Lauren Stichter, Kerry Carlson, Suzanne Joyal, Miko Lee, Laura Meehan, Marisa Griffin, Betty Siegel, Kelly Couch, Erin Smith, Eva Wick-Lerud,  Delaire Rowe. Email addresses are provided at the end of the minutes.

Desiree Cara gave a wonderful motivating participatory opening.  Juli Dorff asked everyone to introduce themselves.  Juli then gave a history of how DARTS formed.  Our bylaws were approved in 2016.  She also announced that our Journal will be distributed within the next two weeks. 

The minutes of August 14, 2019, were disseminated prior to the meeting.  They will be approved at the CEC convention in Portland.

Michael Dunn provided a written treasurer’s report.  Current balance is $5356.00 

An award will be given in Portland. 

In November-December of this year the issue of Teaching Exceptional Children will be devoted to the Arts, thanks to the work of DARTS.

Juli Dorff then asked for feedback from the audience present.  Lauren Stichter commented that it would be wonderful to be able to give DARTS scholarships for the Intersections Conference.  Another attendee discussed the need for research pertaining to the intersection between the arts and special education.  Research links on our website would be a good idea. Another idea is to have sample lesson plans. At this conference, it would be good to have videos of some of the sessions. 

More resources are needed as well as at the state level.  Juli explained that we are currently in need of a membership chair.  Alice Hammel explained the role of the membership chair.  There was interest in the position and also in membership contacts in Florida, California, Virginia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Utah, and Kentucky.

Additional promo materials are needed on the website.  One of our attendees spoke about an international presence and the role of DISES.  Jenna Gabriel spoke about the importance of getting international contacts.  Lauren Stichter will develop a flyer with resources.

Juli Dorff introduced Mario Rossero and he spoke about the importance of our networking with the larger body of those interested in our common purpose.  She also introduced Jenna Gabriel who talked about the importance of all of our connections and working together. 

Juli introduced Beverly Gerber who spoke to how our common efforts have brought us to where we are today which is exciting. 

We will next be together in Portland at the CEC Convention February 5-8. The business meeting will be on Friday afternoon from 3:30-5 p.m. at the Doubletree.  She encouraged individuals to submit papers for CEC for 2021.  We currently have slots for 4 sessions and 2 poster sessions.  Jenna Gabriel encourage submissions that are broader in focus such as other areas. An example is instructional practices.

Lauren Stichter also discussed the Disabilities Studies Arts and Education conference and that the presentations are up on their website.

Juli encouraged everyone to join our Facebook page—CEC Darts.

Rhoda discussed the Able Assembly and the call for proposals is currently on line. The conference is April 3-5, 2020.  Jenna Gabriel talked about a discount for registration for ABLE and the Intersections conference in October.

Juli thanked everyone for participating and reviewed upcoming dates. 

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:43 p.m. Pacific time.

Respectfully submitted,

Beverley H. Johns

Recording Secretary

Posted:  28 October, 2019

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