April 17, 2019, 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time, Conference Call
The executive board meeting was called to order via conference call by President Juli Dorff at 4:30 p.m. EST. Present were: Juli Dorff, Sharon Manjack, Jane Burnette, Beverly Gerber, Bev Johns, Alice Hammel, and Michael Dunn,
Juli Dorff welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The minutes of January 31were disseminated prior to the meeting. Beverly Gerber moved that the minutes be approved with one correction that the Very Special Arts has a list of many arts organizations instead of 30. Alice Hammel seconded. The motion carried.
Alice Hammel presented the work that the Awards Committee has done to establish two awards—The DARTS Lifetime Achievement Award and The DARTS Art Educator of the Year Award. There will be a clause in the criteria for both awards that the individual recipients will need to not have been a DARTS officer for the last two years. Juli asked if these two awards have to be approved by CEC. It was believed that this is not the case. Beverly Gerber moved and Bev Johns seconded the approval of the two awards. The Awards Committee will now create a plan for implementation. A big thanks to Alice Hammel and the committee for all their hard work.
Michael Dunn gave the treasurer’s report, that includes the most recent rebates from CEC in March.
Job descriptions and timelines were discussed by Juli. Juli has asked that each of us create a description and the timelines for the positions. We are asked to complete that by the next meeting.
Nominating Committee will need to begin its work soon.
The publications report was given. Jane Burnette reported on the progress of the new journal and the status of articles. Paper 1-in author revisions. Paper 2- have final draft, in editing, Paper 3: in review, waiting for second review, Paper 4: don't know if we will get a draft. Jane has conducted several follow-ups with the author.
If Paper 4 is not received by April 22, it will not be utilized. We will move ahead with three articles and Jane will write a brief article about how to submit an article for the next volume. For the next issues, we will do an open call for papers.
Jul Dorff discussed progress on the TEC Takeover. It is important to get articles submitted. Jane recommends that we put a promotional piece on the front page of the website.
Lexi was not able to join the call but sent a written report. She will release the latest newsletter on May 5. She would like to feature work that members are doing. She also would like to focus on the ABLE Assembly that was held on April 12-14, 2019. For those who have something to submit, please send to Lexi.
Membership lists are typically sent to the President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Juli will follow up with CEC to have the membership chair, Will Houchin, on the list to receive these from CEC.
We can also put a call for papers for the next DARTS Journal in the TEC issue.
Sharon Manjack reported on the website. Some of the committee chairs and officers need to be updated. If everyone will look at it, that would be helpful. There are some people that there are no pictures and no bios. Juli will review the website and get the information changes to Sharon. The website looks very impressive, thank you Sharon.
Juli Dorff will attend the CEC Leadership Institute on July 5-7, 2019 in Arlington, VA.
Juli reviewed the updated list of conferences. CEC Convention and Expo will be in Portland February 5-8, 2020. The deadline for applications to present has passed and DARTS Reviewers are Alice Hammel, Michael Dunn, Catherine Murphy, Sue Loesl, and Christy Dobson.
The next Board meeting will be a conference call on Wednesday, August 14, 2019, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Eastern Time.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Beverley H. Johns
Recording Secretary